The Garden

The Garden, formerly known as Shut Up and Grow It, is an egalitarian, alternative, leaderless (leaderful), community, propagating a culture of sharing, freedom, and cooperation.

The Garden is a place to sprout, bloom, and grow in harmony with nature- where one can take responsibility for their impact on the Earth, and live in a wholesome way, while helping and giving to others.

The Gardens main purpose is not to be a solitary community but rather to be a part of a network of mutual aid. It is important for us to grow seeds to be spread and sown in other communities.

The blog

Potatoes to Slip’n’Slide

So, we have 950 pounds of potatoes in the dirt, we have some egg-laying hens and some eating chickens, and…

So, we have 950 pounds of potatoes in the dirt, we have some egg-laying hens and some eating chickens, and…

Shut Up and Grow It!

We need YOUR help! We have hundreds of pounds of non-GMO vegetables in the ground, and hundreds more to plant,…

Shut Up & Grow It!

We need YOUR help! We have hundreds of pounds of non-GMO vegetables in the ground, and hundreds more to plant,…