Low Impact Living

community spaces: giving the earth a break

We strive to minimize our impact on the earth. We have limited solar power and shared resources. We live simply and look towards nature for examples on how to live with a light footprint.

gardens: lets compost capitalism

Our Gardens serve many purposes. Some of these include: food sovereignty, self sufficiency, permaculture practices, source of income, to provide a resource for trades & gifts, educational purposes. We grow & preserve as much as we can for our community kitchen. We don’t use sprays of any kind and for the most part do everything by hand. This is a lot of work and means we end up sharing with the bugs but we believe that a more holistic approach is what’s best. We bring produce to the farmers markets where we make a little money at them but it is more important to us that our surrounding community has access to local, fresh, organically grown produce at an affordable price. That is why we accept trades and give donations to those who ask. We also donate excess to the local food bank.

earth skills: the art of rewilding

Earth skills, primitive skills, bush crafts, wild crafts, permaculture- there are many terms for what we practice. A stay at The Garden includes a hands on tribal living experience. We live communally & primitively and freely share our knowledge of how we do that. We cook over a fire, use hand tools & amish technology, process animals ourselves, forage for wild edibles and medicinals. We work with the seasons, climate, environment, and elements such as the sun & the rain. Where many primitive skills workshops and books focus on what an individual can do to produce a tangible resource our primitive skills include the opportunity to learn living skills in a tribal social setting. We also strive to make our educational opportunities as accessible and free to learn as possible.

our tribe: how we organize

The organizational structure at The Garden is focused on creating alternatives to hierarchies and power structures. Decision making at The Garden is done through weekly councils and 100% consensus. We strive to be egalitarian by giving everyone’s voice in council equal weight. So while some say it’s “leaderless land” others say it’s “leaderFULL land”. Most people that are involved longer term with The Garden are nomadic, so things are ever evolving. We are constantly trying to do better and learning through experience. Come learn with us!